DeMorgenzon Reserve Chenin Blanc Receives 5th Platter’s Guide 5-Star Award #Platters2021 Platter’s Guide 5-Star Award Platter’s [ plat-ers ] noun John Platter...
Passing the Battonage After a decade of excellence, Carl van der Merwe passes the reins to close friend and fellow winemaker...
Reserve Chardonnay 2018 Review Greg Sherwood MW Reserve Chardonnay 2018 Review by Greg Sherwood MW "The DeMorgenzon Reserve Chardonnay is the...
Cape Wine Auction 2020 #CWA2020 Cape Wine Auction 2020 In 2014 The Cape Wine Auction Trust was established with Wendy Appelbaum...
DeMorgenzon Harvest 2020 #DMZHARVEST2020 DeMorgenzon Harvest 2020 A message from Carl, Wendy and Danie about #DMZHarvest2020... The early indications of the 2020...
Valentine's Day - 10% Discount on DMZ Rosé Dismiss